Winter Break, 2015-2016

Earlier this week, I returned from a good holiday vacation back home in Chicago. It was a much-needed trip. One should never be apart from family for too long.

The best parts were when I saw my family again after a year, and being able to hug them. Laughing with my friends and my brother was the medicine I needed to energize my spirit. Hugging my parents so often is as much of a necessity as oxygen is to my blood.

There was never really much time to relax, except late at night. Many sweet things were eaten, that shouldn’t have been eaten, but again, I needed to eat them. Fun times were had, definitely.

I saw as many people as I could. I got to hold as many babies as I could. My Instagram has loads of photos from the trip. I could get a Cloud to store my photos, as I probably should, but alas, I have no motivation to use it.
It’s probably not the best place to keep all of my important photos, now that I’m thinking about it. Maybe I will think about it some more…

Some of my favorite moments were with my dog, Viggo and my girl, Maia. Those two are the funniest animals.

Overall, the most important thing about my trip was being with the people and animals I love the most. I could have spent the entire holiday just sitting in a circle, hugging everyone non-stop, if it were possible.

Thank you, everyone, for seeing me, spending time with me, and for your encouragement. I know you have my back.

P.S.: J sent me messages on Christmas and New Years Eve. We also chatted back and forth for most of the holiday. I hope to see him again soon.

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